Making website is one of the easiest thing in the world. You just need to learn HTML, CSS,
Javascript and you are good to go.
Courses we give for free.
HTML is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web broswer .
Cascading Style Sheets is a style language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language such as HTML.
Javascript, often abbreviated JS, is a programming language that is one of the core technologies of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and CSS.
They work together to make the website look complete, accesible and attractive.
The environment we all need to stay healthy.
Library facilitates group studies and collabration and also gives you access to their electronic resources and the internet.
This environment helps some students to exercise, refresh, and relax thier system when stressed
whilst others use it as an avenue for entertainment and also developing their potentials
Provides healthcare for the weak and sick.
These testimonies will change your insight about technology.
learning this has sharpen my problem solving skills.
By learning this, I've become more technically minded which is good by a future dominated by technology.